CuttingEdge 4.0 partner Eisso Atzema, Principal Scientist at Tata Steel has presented the latest findings regarding edge-ductility, both from RFCS CuttingEdge 4.0, as well as other projects and open literature during the Forming Technology Forum, celebrated in Enschede, The Netherlands on September 21-22, 2022.
Atzema presented the paper “Trending topics in edge ductility research”, providing an overview of the newer findings regarding edge-ductility. The main findings presented include that that the optimal clearance in AHSS is larger than that prescribed in the ISO TS16630 test standard. That sharp tools make a difference. It is also still seen that the test shows considerable scatter and difference between labs.
The paper also includes that alternative tests to ISO HEC work for cold rolled steels but not for hot rolled steels and predictive capability of fracture toughness or local ductility is also restricted to cold rolled.
Forming Technology Forum is a 2-day conference with a limited number of carefully selected presentations and sufficient time for in-depth discussion. The 13th Forming Technology Forum highlighted the impact of global sustainability goals on forming technologies. The conference brought together researchers and practitioners in production technology, materials, modelling and process control to share and benefit from each other’s experience by high quality presentations and lively discussions.